Nirmiti Pandit is an international undergraduate student from Mumbai, India currently studying at the School of Architecture and Planning at SUNY Buffalo, New York. 
She studied BS Architecture with an Environmental Design minor from 2020-22 and is expected to complete her degree in BA Environmental Design with an Architecture minor in December 2024.
Her practice develops an understanding of social and spatial equity, and collaboration in research related to educational leadership and policy, sustainability, urban planning, architecture, agriculture, theatre, and linguistic cultures. 
Her pronouns are She/Them and sometimes goes by Nini. :)
Co-Curricular +Professional Engagement

Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity, Epsilon Sigma
American Institute of Architecture Students, Northeast Quad
Design as Protest Collective, Core Organizer
Design Justice Network, Member
Charter for New Urbanism, New York Chapter

The Underground Reader's Club, Founder/President (2022-2024)
UB AIAS, Member/Treasurer (2020-22)
UB Manga Club, President (2022)


Racial Equity and Social Justice, UB/A+P (2020-)
SUNY Student Assembly, Undergrad. Rep. (2022-23)
Education and Cultural Task Force, AIAS National (2021-22)

Saturday Art Class, Art Mentor (2019)
Teach for India, Graphic Design/Comms. (2019)
Tool Library, Tooligan/Events Volunteer (2020-)
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