This course surveys, in a hands-on fashion, the rich and unique resources the computer offers the artist/designer. Includes themes of computer basics, letter manipulation, drawing and painting metaphors, image processing, 3D modeling, sound/image synthesis, interactive scripting, and animation.
01: Digital Collage
02: Ambigrams
03: Interactive Art
01: Idea Sketch
01: Idea Sketch
02: Create Separate Vectors
02: Create Separate Vectors
03: Ambigram Format Tests
03: Ambigram Format Tests
04: Ambigram Compile and Hygiene Checks
04: Ambigram Compile and Hygiene Checks
05: Ambigram "Printed" with Axidraw
05: Ambigram "Printed" with Axidraw

p5.js first-time compilation video. Also available to view on Vimeo.

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